Whether your hot soup arrives cold, your cold sushi arrives warm, or the packaging arrives as an soggy mess, the wrong packaging sends a clear and present message about how you view your brand and how you view your customer. Food packaging protects food from outside contamination and helps ensure that the meal arrives at the right temperature – but just as important, your packaging is a brand ambassador that your customers can see, feel and form a connection to.

A well-designed packaging strategy can create strong connections with your customer. It motivates people to make impulse choices, bypasses reflective thought and leaves the customer with a feeling of having been rewarded, and the more attractive, fun and professional your package is designed the stronger the connections your customer will form to your brand. That’s a powerful stuff!

How and what your packaging is made of is also important. In fact, it’s so important to some that their decision to buy is directly influenced by how environmentally friendly, how sustainable, how recyclable and how compostable your packaging is. Add to the customers already-formed ideas about environmentally responsible packaging that not all packaging works for all kinds of food and it becomes clear how important your packaging strategy is becoming. A cardboard that may be perfect for one type of food might be completely inadequate for another. A paper wrap might be perfect for cold sandwiches but may hold in the steam and heat of hot sandwiches resulting in your food arriving to the customer as a soggy, gooey mess. In fact, some packaging materials may actually bring the condition of your food to toxic levels by the time it reaches the customer. Yikes! And we haven’t even scratched the surface about biodegradable inks!

So what are your businesses food packaging needs? For a comprehensive discussion of all of the factors you should consider when choosing your retail food packaging give us a call. We know how to design winning packaging strategies for winning businesses like yours!