We are frequently asked by Clients “what’s the difference between logos and brands and branding?”. Even though the concept of each if fairly well defined, the answers are invariably going to be a different for each Client. We could get all scientific, throw out a bunch or equations and algorithms, make your eyes glass over, perhaps even encourage a little drool to emerge from your near-catatonic mouth OR we could distill your concept down to something relatively easy to wrap your head around, understand, and even love a little bit – or a lot! We prefer the latter, don’t you?
A logo is an easy to recognize combination of typographies, graphics, symbols, and colors, designed to identify and differentiate your company or product in the marketplace. It is one of the ways we distinguish your brand from the competition. To put it simply, it’s how they notice you.
A brand is the idea or image people see in their mind when thinking about your products or services or company. Your brand communicates in both practical and emotional ways. The physical and emotional cues of your brand create touchpoints between your business and your customer. There are lots of aspects to your brand; name, logo, products, slogan, visual identity, etc, etc.
Brand-ing is the process of building your brand. It is a multi-faceted strategy designed by to help customers quickly identify their preferred products and from whom they get them. Branding defines the reasons to choose your products over another’s. A promises what a brand is and what it is not.
P-R-O-P-R-I-E-T-A-R-Y. Here’s where the rubber meets the road. There are lots of great ideas out there, lots of great brands and lots of great loyal customers. So how do you insure that the things that make your brand “yours” don’t become part of someone else’s brand? You own them exclusively. They are legally yours. They have great value and you’ll defend and preserve your ownership over them because they are your business’ life blood. So how do you get to proprietary? We know the way so let’s get there together!